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All the VET in China

With the recorded history of migration from China to Australia now nearing its 200th anniversary, there is much to marvel at in terms of the growth of that country and the relationship between our two nations. This link continues to ...

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Professor warns against loss of long-term research

Diverting academics away from long-term research projects will create a gap in the innovation system, one expert has argued. Michael Biercuk, associate professor in the school of physics at the University of Sydney, said the government’s proposal to divert funding ...

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Philanthropic funding Part 3: strategies

In an extended interview, the University of Sydney’s fundraising expert offers advice on the best ways for universities to attract charitable donations. Rosalind Ogilvy, director of Development and Alumni Relations from the University of Sydney, said universities need to consider what ...

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UA welcomes tougher standards for teaching graduates

The peak body representing Australia’s universities has backed proposals outlined in the teacher training report released last week which calls for an overhaul of the system. Universities Australia’s director of strategic communications, Louise Dodson, said the recommendations “provide a nationally ...

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Parker: Tax reform one alternative to deregulation

Taxpayers, rather than students alone, would be asked to foot the cost of maintaining Australia’s higher-education system under one alternative approach to the government’s proposed deregulated fee system. The proposal was one of many discussed last week at a round table University ...

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Opinion: the case for diversity in ATARs

There is endless discussion over university entry scores and their significance. In particular, there are often quite heated arguments in the media over perceived lowering of standards resulting from the enrolment of students with low ATARs. Such is the case ...

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What makes a great university teacher?

In an extended interview, education editor Antonia Maiolo spoke to Brydie-Leigh Bartleet, associate professor from Griffith University, who is the most recent recipient of the Australian University Teacher of the Year award. Bartleet, who has been in the industry for ...

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