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Free coffee for students comes at a price

Would you give major corporations your personal data in exchange for coffee? While this may not be an attractive proposition to the average adult, for many often money and sleep-deprived students, it is, so much so that Shiru ('knowledge' in ...

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A look at the typeface that ‘helps students study’

That’s according to the RMIT University researchers who designed it. Released yesterday, it’s believed to be the world’s first typeface specifically designed to help people retain information and remember study notes. Called Sans Forgetica, it’s a back-slanted, gapped font based on ...

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Australia’s THE ranking “cause for concern”

The successes of a few Australian universities on a global ranking aren’t enough to counter the ‘concerning’ national picture – one of stagnation. With 35 institutions included in the 2019 edition of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, ...

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