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Policy & Reform

Is it time for disruption in tertiary education?

While the world is changing faster than ever, innovation in tertiary education is occurring slowly. Australia is facing an increasingly troubling mismatch between what students and employers need, and what our tertiary education sector is offering. Australia’s tertiary education sector ...

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The new ‘Edflix’ model of education

Education these days can be delivered in a similar fashion to how we enjoy our entertainment. It is an “on-demand, Netflix” education model, where students are choosing what, when and how they study, according to Macquarie Business School Professor Lan ...

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Grattan Report: post-secondary concerns for young men

The latest Grattan Institute report , 'Risks and rewards: when is vocational education a good alternative to higher education? found that men who scored lower ATARs at school but gained vocational qualifications in engineering, construction and commerce could have higher average earnings than ...

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Key education issues in the media: expert responds

Teacher performance-linked pay, teacher performance generally and student achievement – these are three issues that are never far from the headlines. But are the debates founded on sound evidence or merely the thought bubbles of politicians and populist commentators? We ...

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