Comments on: Overseas HECS debtors set to pay up The latest in higher education news Thu, 17 Sep 2015 08:36:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vaughan Elphick Thu, 17 Sep 2015 08:36:09 +0000 That’s right, waste more money on a lost cause. Most of these countries don’t have an agree with Australia anyway. And most people that have gone back home will earn WAY WAY less than the $54,000 per year, unless our dollar hits even lower all time record low’s.

Instead we should be focused on getting the 200 billion dollars in lost tax revenue revenue from multinational corporations, so we don’t even have to have HECS in the first place and could make university free. Actually invest in Australia for once instead of the politicians in themselves, whilst at the same time, selling out Australia.
