Comments on: ‘Gut instinct’ plays a part in the spread of pandemic misinformation: new study The latest in higher education news Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:36:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:36:02 +0000 It would have been good if the study had used claims/statements on topics unrelated to COVID-19.

Its a very current issue – yes there are lots of dodgy ideas out there but how much do we value free speech?

The assumption that the government/public health authorities hold all the truth on COVID-19, whilst ANY other contrary ideas/thoughts are by nature misinformation cannot be true, and yet the government (and most media outlets) are pushing that message.

It would be great if the government and health authorities were much more honest and transparent about what they know, but when the average doctor thinks their God, what do you expect from the heads of health authorities?
