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Author Archives: Erin Morley

Unis to build AUKUS workforce

Engineering and defence efforts at universities are ramping up as vice-chancellors, educators and the federal government look to build a nuclear submarine-ready workforce. The University of New South Wales launched its Nuclear Innovation Centre last Thursday, a hub where engineering, ...

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How does your university handle sexual assault?

Only 15 out of 39 Australian universities have up-to-date strategies to overcome issues of sexual assault and harassment on campus, an Australian Human Rights Institute (AHRI) report has found. The ARHI investigated each individual Australian university's policies and practices in ...

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Universities Accord final report released

The Universities Accord final report released on Sunday called for a major shakeup of the higher education sector that would prioritise accessibility and double the number of university places to 1.8m by 2050. The 47 recommendations would see students from ...

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Will the Accord have a ‘wealth tax’?

Labor’s Universities Accord ­review of higher education is ­expected to back a financial levy on universities based on their broader levels of revenue, a move designed to penalise the institutions with large numbers of international students without explicitly saying so. The ...

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