Tag: Facebook friends
Guest Post: Mixed-Age Facebook Friendships
By Lynn Bozof A strange but very sweet thing is happening. Do Facebook and other social media have anything to do with it? My adult children are now “friending” my friends on Facebook, leading to inter-generational relationships. When I was a young adult, I would have thought it so strange to have a friendship with […]
Can a Facebook tragedy offer a friendship lesson?
How to avert a Facebook Tragedy: What would you do if you saw a disturbing status post from a friend on your feed?
Chelsea’s Getting Married: What about her friends?
On choosing which friends to invite when you’re getting married…
In the Media – Cleo Magazine: Are you too UNPICKY with your friends?
I was recently interviewed by Nicole Elphick, a writer with Cleo, an Australian fashion and beauty magazine.
For even more friendship info, connect with me on the following social media platforms.