Is it a problem that six out of seven engineering students are male, while only one in five teaching students is male, asks Andrew Harvey Sometimes the majority doesn’t rule. A look at the overall picture of higher education suggests ...
More »TEQSA will raise ante on English-language provision
While English-medium universities have always attracted international students looking to develop their English language and intercultural skills while obtaining a degree, the quantity and quality of language support available to them has been variable. Universities have been holding their breath ...
More »Steer clear of clinical model for teacher education
Many teachers would find it a little surprising to discover their professional role is that of clinician, writes Neil Hooley. Gradually, the notion of "clinical model" is finding its way into the discourse of pre-service teacher education. It is necessary ...
More »Finding information on dual providers makes you murderous
How many educational institutions in Australia are registered to offer both higher education and vocational education and training programs? Ninety. How long did it take to find this out? Weeks. How will you feel if you go and try to ...
More »Canada’s higher education potlatch
Many academic colleagues may be unaware but Vancouver, Canada, has just played host to the largest gathering of higher education practitioners in the world, with 8,700 delegates converging on a stunningly beautiful city – a city at this time of ...
More »Long-term solution to VET research
The fostering of novice researchers in VET is critical, says John Mitchell. A lack of quality research bedevils VET, leaving it at risk of being further damaged by poor policy decisions and mass media beat-ups. Two recent examples are the ...
More »Third wave of VET reform bodes well but…
If TAFE Institutes are to prosper under demand-driven conditions, then they need to be given more power to control their own destinies, writes Andy Smith In early May, Skills Australia released its long-awaited report on the future of the VET ...
More »Private VET providers reluctant to supply data
Online Intro a comprehensive data collection is needed for public policy and quality assurance, writes Tom Karmel who wants provision mandated. The National Centre for Vocational Education Research manages, on behalf of all Australian governments, a series of data collections ...
More »Grattan Report has it wrong on regional universities
The extent that regional universities affect regional employment goes far beyond their statistical location, writes Tom Murphy John Daley and Annette Lancy in the Grattan Report address some important questions but their answers are wrong. This is particularly in evidence ...
More »If laissez-faire rules, TAFE suffers
There is plenty of empirical evidence that shows that marketised systems in tertiary education result in dodgy providers, appalling delivery and lowered standards that in turn elicit more regulations and demands for compliance, writes Leesa Wheelahan The federal government’s 2011 ...
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