Two University of the Sunshine Coast academics who are inspiring the next generation of teachers, artists and designers have been rewarded for their exceptional work. Senior lecturer in art and design Dr Lisa Chandler (right) and associate lecturer in education Karen Shelley each received a vice-chancellor’s medal for learning and teaching at the recent graduation ceremonies. Chandler, of Mt Coolum, has worked as a visual artist, educator, graphic designer, gallery director, curator and journalist in commercial and community contexts. She has co-ordinated and taught courses in art, design and visual communication at USC and was foundation director of the University Gallery. Chandler was rewarded for developing innovative teaching materials and using a broad range of visual media and technologies to engage students and foster independent learning. Shelley, of Buderim, taught health and physical education at secondary schools for 18 years before joining USC in 2007 to do a Master of Science by Research. She received her award for respecting and supporting the development of students as individuals and her ability to influence, motivate and inspire students to learn. Medal recipients receive $5000 to support their work.
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