UNSW acting vice-chancellor professor Iain Martin said he believed Hoffman was capable of building on the achievements of his predecessor. new NCVER MD worked in SA public service Dr Craig Fowler will replace Rod Camm as the managing director at ...
More »UNSW PVC named engineering dean
University of NSW pro vice-chancellor (Research) professor Mark Hoffman has been named the university’s new dean of engineering. Hoffman will take up the appointment from February in place of professor Graham Davies who is relocating back to the UK. Professor Hoffman ...
More »UTAS professor joins College of Experts
The University of Tasmania’s faculty of education has announced that professor Kim Beswick has been appointed to the 2015 Australian Research Council’s College of Experts (COE). The COE plays a key role in identifying research excellence, moderating external assessments and recommending fundable ...
More »Bond architect school picks chief
Bond University’s Abedian School of Architecture has announced the appointment of internationally renowned architect and academic professor Adrian Carter as its new head. Prior to this role, Carter held an associate professorship at the University of Aalborg in Denmark and ...
More »UTAS NAMES Indigenous research leader
Professor Maggie Walter has been appointed the inaugural pro vice-chancellor Aboriginal research and leadership at the University of Tasmania. Walter commenced in the newly created role at the start of September. UTAS indicated the appointment was partly aimed at contributing ...
More »Nobel laureate joins ANU
American economist and Nobel laureate professor Edward C. Prescott has been appointed an adjunct distinguished professor at Australian National University’s Research School of Economics. Along with colleague Finn Kydland, Prescott was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in economics as recognition ...
More »New USYD DEAN OF education, social work
Victoria University pro vice-chancellor professor Diane Mayer is heading to the University of Sydney after being appointed dean of the faculty of education and social work. Mayer will take up the appointment from November 3 and will bring more than ...
More »Chemist to head Macquarie science
Macquarie University has named professor Barbara Messerle its new executive dean of the faculty of science. Messerle is a chemist with more than 25 years of experience teaching research and academic leadership – including her present position as head of the ...
More »NCVER director named ACPET chief
Rod Camm has been appointed chief executive of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training. Camm, now the managing director of the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research, will take up his new role in the coming weeks. Building ...
More »Permanent role for UNE interim VC
The University of New England has announced the appointment of professor Annabelle Duncan to a permanent role as vice-chancellor and chief executive. Duncan took over the position in an interim capacity in March but has now been officially handed the ...
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