Professor Moira Clay has been announced as the new president of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS). Clay is director of academic and research services at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Western Australia. She has been president-elect at ARMS for the past year and is now looking forward to leading the professional society through a key phase in its future development. Clay plans to work to expand the society’s membership base, taking it beyond a health and medical focus into other research areas. She brings a strong background in research to the president role, with extensive senior management experience in a number of national organisations, including her current position in administration and research management at the Telethon Institute. At the institute she is responsible for fostering and enhancing its research capacity with a major focus on development and mentoring of future research leaders and managing critical stakeholder relationships. Clay has been an associate director at the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia and a policy adviser at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
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