Comments on: The future of university teaching: opinion The latest in higher education news Wed, 21 Jul 2021 11:47:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: SANTANU KUMAR GHOSH Wed, 21 Jul 2021 11:47:52 +0000 Situation arising as a result of the COVID 19 has forced the existing national education system to come to a halt, and the final outcome is deterioration in the level of academic qualities. Under such a situation, industrial unit which needs to employ freshers in large numbers should try to train up the new entrants to fill in the skill gap independently or jointly with some established institutions. But this solution is not applicable for the most part of the student population around the globe. From the scholl level learning to the highest level, in a large part, the only task is done by the institutions and that is the distribution of markssheets and certiificates. Developing nations, in particular, are not ready to make necesary arrangements to go for on-line education system. Unless education is linked with some rewards at the end, this alternative system will not work. Hence, education needs to be linked with some defined gains/achievements. This may motivate the learner to not just learn, but to develop the required skills through self-teaching method.
