Comments on: The University of Toxicity: Managerialism and the rise of Professor Toxic (part 2) The latest in higher education news Wed, 16 May 2018 02:04:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Mainwaring Wed, 16 May 2018 02:04:10 +0000 I have been working in the University sector for some 25 years since 1994. I wish I had more time to back up the insightful finding in this essay. Basically the pursuit of excellence and an emphasis on public service has been trashed all in the name of the LOVE of money. I fear for the future at our Higher Education institutions.
Alan Idris Mainwaring

By: Edward Spence Wed, 16 May 2018 01:30:00 +0000 A well written and timed article. I commend the authors who had the courage (one of the cardinal virtues) to write it. Evil happens when good people stand by and do nothing. The topic of managerial toxicity should remind us of Plato’s notion of Perfect Injustice in his Republic : the corrupt appearing just in appearance only under a veil of concealment and secrecy when in reality they are not. As for ethics and academic freedom that is gone out of the window.
