Comments on: Schmidt to lead ANU from 2016 The latest in higher education news Fri, 26 Jun 2015 00:32:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Professor John Canning Fri, 26 Jun 2015 00:32:31 +0000 My congratulations to Brian – terrific stuff! I have a query to put to him and indeed all of us. We know of he’s publicly stated fondness for the US system which is timely given the purported desire to emulate them here by many institutions (despite the differences in funding scales). In light of this it would be great to hear Brian’s views on the current push on deregulation of fees and where that might fit in with those views. I understand the majority of public institutions in the US are not deregulated and the three that are, are seeking to re-regulate. I have not yet heard any significant debate or discussion from either side of the deregulation battle of the advantages or disadvantages of both other than ideological perspectives. Given that only private institutions have full deregulation in the US to my knowledge, is deregulation built on the premise of being a precursor to fill privatization? Does it serve Australia well to only compare with the US system given significant demographic, funding and cultural differences? Could we learn from elsewhere?
Given this is an issue that will likely come back to the political arena soon, a greater public discourse and greater open analysis on this subject would be really valuable for everyone.
