The Australian Universities Accord final report is a response to longstanding debate among Australian providers about what form of Tertiary Education Commission to recommend. Roger Smyth (pictured below) shares his experience working at the New Zealand Ministry of Education with ...
More »Supporting women to enter or reenter the workforce
More than 1,650 NSW women will benefit from state government initiatives to equip them with tailored skills and flexible working conditions to achieve gainful employment. The NSW Treasury has estimated an additional 300,000 workers will be needed to fill critical ...
More »Let’s consider what students want from EdTech
The Australian Universities Accord process gained widespread engagement and attention from higher education providers, leaders and interest groups across the system. As a means of developing an Accord across the sector’s providers with the government, it has been a big ...
More »Senate condemns handling of sexual violence on campus
Senators unanimously condemned the university sector in a landmark inquiry into current and proposed sexual consent laws, urging the education minister to protect students and staff. The Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee (‘the committee’) released its report on Wednesday, ...
More »‘Upskirting’ at USYD part of a bigger problem
A Sydney University man was arrested after allegedly taking inappropriate ‘upskirting’ photos of a female student in Fisher Library on 31 August. The man was detained by campus security before police arrived charged him with intentionally recording intimate images without ...
More »Increasing the number of women in STEM
Australian government and industry are coming together to invest in upskilling and diversifying the future workforce in STEM disciplines. The federal government announced last Friday that universities can now apply for the 4,000 Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) designed to attract ...
More »International student levy could mean less for Australian universities
The last decade has left Australian universities vulnerable. Constant changes to policy, funding uncertainty, and government investment in research and development falling to its lowest share of gross domestic product, have all made planning for the future difficult for any ...
More »AI best practice, the Accord, and HED
Since last November, the two focuses of higher education practitioners, leaders and commentators, have been the sector review of the interim report of the Australian Universities Accord, and the potential effects of artificial intelligence (AI). Both have also been a ...
More »Punitive uni pass rate on the chopping block
The Australian Government has released a Consultation Paper in response to the Australian Universities Accord priority action number two. Priority action two recommends ceasing the 50 per cent pass rule that is part of the Job Ready Graduates (JRG) package, ...
More »HEDx Podcast: How will AI and technology change what universities need to do? Episode 82
Dr Nora Koslowski, chief learning innovation officer at Melbourne Business School (MBS), joins the HEDx podcast to share her insights. She discusses how emerging AI technologies, coupled with the changing world of work and future skills-needs of employers, are providing ...
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