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Advancing AI in higher education

How higher education might respond to AI and the case for lifelong learning Higher education has, for decades, been instrumental in developing and adopting new technology and new ways of working. From the beginning, universities cultivated the so-called digital revolution ...

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Low youth wellbeing affects jobs and education

Below average levels of wellbeing among young people are linked to problems in both education and the workforce, a new study has found. Commissioned by Apprenticeship Support Australia, the Skillsroad Youth Census surveyed more than 13,000 Australians between the ages ...

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Report shows value of vocational education

Vocational education needs to be recognised as a valuable career choice rather than as a second-class option compared with university studies, experts say. The value of TAFE courses has been brought to the forefront with the release of a report ...

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Universities redefine classrooms

Classrooms are being redefined as universities seek smarter ways to learn. In the past decade, e-learning has become one of the most common buzzwords in education. Look inside the modern classroom or lecture theatre and you will be hard pressed ...

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Getting partnerships right

How higher education institutes and organisations can get the best results from one another. One of the most profound shifts of the past 15 years is how the world of work is viewed by our younger generations. After finishing their ...

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Increased spending opens more nursing jobs

The Federal Government’s budget boost to healthcare spending will open up more management positions in the broad healthcare sector, and nurses with postgraduate degrees will be perfectly positioned to advance into those roles. The 2017-18 budget includes a $10 billion ...

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Graduates told they lack the skills for jobs

Concerning new research shows that 65 per cent of university graduates feel their education did not provide them with the skills necessary for the workforce, with many being turned away from employment. The Australian Job Seeker Report conducted by JobGetter ...

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