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At the edges of respectability

Anthropologist Lisa Wynn talks predatory publishing and the study of love, sex and desire. What is your name, where are you based and what do you do? I’m Lisa Wynn, but I publish as L.L. Wynn, and I am an associate professor ...

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Australia’s global standing: How do we stack up?

Australia has a mixed report card when it comes to its achievements in international education Brazil recently played host to a meeting of international education associations from around the globe to debate challenges currently impacting on the international education sector. In ...

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The choices we make matter

Why governments and universities should reconsider their dependence on international students as a major means of funding. I recently mentioned to a group of newly arrived students that Australia once offered free education to international university students. They looked at me ...

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Skills versus knowledge: Column

The recent university funding debate belies a deeper issue affecting the sector: What is the point of a university degree? For government, it’s treated as a gateway to employment; for some academics, the goal is to identify and develop the ...

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