Making school cafeterias more friendly: There’s an app for that

A new app promises to make young people feel more comfortable in school cafeterias.
Loneliness as a grandparent
After learning her son plans a permanent move overseas, a grandparent feels a sense of loneliness and loss.
In a rut and unable to make friends
A woman feels in a rut—unable to make friends, even though she is on meds and has seen therapists.
Making friends late in the game
A high school senior worries it’s “too late in the game” for her to make friends.
A man experiences loneliness after a loss
It’s understandable to feel friendless and lonely after a loss.
Feeling Worthless Without Any Friends
If you’re without any friends because you don’t feel friend-worthy, you may need to work on yourself first.
On the strengths (and importance) of elder friendships: In the New York Times

In case you missed the excellent article about elder friendships in today’s New York Times, I think you’ll want to read it.
For even more friendship info, connect with me on the following social media platforms.