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Unis partner in $240m defence program

The University of Adelaide and the University of New South Wales will collaborate to deliver new research projects and scholarships under the government's $240m universities defence program. Research projects funded by the Trailblazer Defence program are expected to investigate issues ...

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Experts respond to Accord Interim report

University Accord panel chair Mary O’Kane has expressed her disappointment with the absence of diversity in the 300 submissions presented for consideration in the interim report, released last week. The interim report outlines a plan proposing five priority actions to ...

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Unis respond to Clare’s teaching reforms

University experts have said that the federal government's plan to overhaul teacher education in Australia fails to address key workforce issues driving teachers away from schools. The Expert Panel, chaired by Sydney University vice-chancellor Mark Scott, released its final report ...

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Union calls for detail on SA university merger

Australia's peak higher education union has raised concerns over the University of Adelaide and South Australia's plans to form a 'mega university' in 2026. According to NTEU SA Division Secretary Dr Andrew Miller, there are still "too many unanswered questions" ...

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QS denies ‘conflict of interest’ over rankings

Leading university rankings company QS says there is no conflict of interest between its business as an international student recruiter and its rankings, which are closely followed by international students. QS senior vice-president (institutional performance) Ben Sowter said the company’s ...

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