The American TV show Community, which aired between 2009 and 2015, humourised the experiences of community college students. The usual stereotypes – a single mother, a former drug addict, a film student – featured, yet the show gave them a depth ...
More »Mechanisms or muddle? What to make of AQF 5-6
This article examines Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) levels 5-6 and the overlap between vocational education and training (VET) Diploma and above and higher education (HE) Sub-bachelor courses. It follows an earlier paper on the boundaries and connections between the VET ...
More »For creativity, ditch the light bulb theory: Danish psychology prof
You don't necessarily expect to hear Nietzsche quoted at a vocational education and training conference, but No Frills surprised attendees. Held in Sydney on 15–17 August, the NCVER's annual 'do was given a philosophical bent by keynote speaker Dr Lene ...
More »VET funding within the tertiary system: five policy reasons driving cost shifting
Amongst a mini-blizzard of reports and opinions on reforms to the nation’s tertiary education system, both in higher education (HE) and especially the VET sector, the KPMG report Reimagining tertiary education: from binary system to ecosystem is commendable by going ...
More »TAFE enrolments decline again: what to do with the figures
Are industry-defined qualifications no longer attractive to students? That’s the questions TAFE Directors Australia chief executive Craig Robertson said the industry needs to ask itself, following data released this week that showed government-funded training is down year on year. The National ...
More »Over $3 billion for skills done and dusted
There are still butchers and bakers a plenty. Vehicle painters, however, have mostly replaced candlestick makers. And there will likely soon be more of them, thanks to a new agreement. The government's $1.5 billion Skilling Australians Fund, which will deliver 300,000 new apprenticeships over ...
More »“Steady growth” across TAFE NSW enrolments
A growth in infrastructure projects is driving enrolment growth in trade qualifications, with an increase of at least 10 per cent across carpentry, plumbing and electrical trades. New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian and minister for skills Adam Marshall unveiled ...
More »NCVER launches 20 year snapshot of VET
In an Australian first, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released an interactive timeline of Australia's VET policies, programs and initiatives over the past two decades. The 20-year-snapshot of the nation's vocational training history was developed to ...
More »VET sector failing disadvantaged students
NSW VET isn't doing right by Aboriginal students, and those experiencing disabilities, mental health issues and homelessness. Youth Action, Uniting and Mission Australia came to this conclusion after surveying disadvantaged young people, as well as 50 individuals from organisations that assist them. Their ...
More »NAEN backs calls for VET review
New reports suggest the VET sector may be reviewed and overhauled within the next 12 months. Recommendations to review the sector were published as part of Innovation and Science Australia’s latest report: Australia 2030: Prosperity Through Innovation. The report has ...
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