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VET FEE-HELP audit adds to scrutiny

The federal opposition has welcomed the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) announcement that it will scrutinise the VET FEE-HELP scheme. VET FEE-HELP is set up to help eligible students studying higher-level VET qualifications pay their tuition fees. But Labor Senator Kim Carr along with MP ...

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Rea: students can’t let Abbott destroy dreams

Union boss Jeannie Rea has urged students not to think twice about pursuing a university education in light of ongoing uncertainty over the government’s plans to deregulate the sector. The National Tertiary Education Union president's comments are a reminder to school leavers ...

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Putting STEM at the centre of learning

Studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics shouldn’t be limited to engineers or scientists, says one expert who argues that STEM skills are essential in everyday life. “We all need to have numeracy skills and be literate in science,” Andrew Seen, associate ...

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Leadership matters in aged care

In an extended interview, education editor Antonia Maiolo spoke to Yun-Hee Jeon, professor of ageing and chronic disease from Sydney Nursing School at the University of Sydney. Jeon discussed her interest in leadership and management specific to aged care and ...

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Technology the key to faster recovery

Education editor Antonia Maiolo spoke to Maayken Van den berg, a postdoctoral research fellow from Flinders University. Van den berg is involved in a world-first study, looking at whether technology such as iPad apps and interactive games can help older ...

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Interview with Thomson Ch’ng

Education Editor Antonia Maiolo speaks to Thomson Ch’ng, president of the Council of International Students Australia, about what he thinks will be the big issues for international education throughout 2015.

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Interview with Kira Clarke

Education Editor Antonia Maiolo speaks to Kira Clarke a lecturer in Education Policy at the University of Melbourne. For the last ten years Kira has been researching post-compulsory education and training, with a focus on youth transitions and VET in ...

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Interview with Ian Li

Education Editor Antonia Maiolo speaks to Ian Li an economist based at the School of Population Health at the University of Western Australia. Li discusses the role of schools' socioeconomic status in determining academic performance at university which was the ...

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